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High School Lessons
At the high school level, FMFCU offers lessons covering topics from budgeting to identity theft, using real-life simulations to provide concrete learning experiences.
Money 101
Designed for high school students, this lesson is an introduction to advanced money management. Students are exposed to various types of financial institutions (FI) and the benefits of credit union membership.
Designed for high school students, a true/false quiz discloses the myths and misconceptions about millionaires. Focus in placed on education and money management.
Identity Theft
Designed with experts in the Risk Management field, high school students are exposed to various types of identity theft, how thieves gain access to victims, precautions and methods of protections, current scams, and processes for dealing with a compromise.
On Your Own
High school students are exposed to the financial responsibilities associated with living on their own post-graduation, from high school or college. This lessons scrutinizes the importance of affiliation with a trusted financial institution and the services they provide.
Business Etiquette
Catered to high school students, this corporate training program covers basic social workplace, and home etiquette. Students are exposed to interviewing styles, impact of first impressions, effective listening and communicating, professional email, and more.
Appropriate for high school students, this lesson focuses on establishing short-and-long-term financial goals. Emphasis is placed on developing and adhering to a budget.

Youth Financial Literacy Overview eBook
A complete listing of all elementary, middle, and high school lessons provided by Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union, with descriptions.
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