FMFCU’s Business AnytimeDeposit service is a revolutionary product that blends the convenience for remote deposit with the functionality and security of new check scanner technology. With Business AnytimeDeposit via FMFCU’s Online Banking, you can now deposit checks directly to multiple business accounts within a membership in minutes. Business AnytimeDeposit also offers the ability to review current and past check deposits for added security.
Benefits of Business AnytimeDeposit

Take the First Step – Contact Us
Contact our Treasury Management Department to get details and complete the application process.
Next Step – Launch!
Using Business AnytimeDeposit is easy! Once you have your check scanner installed and set up, watch this brief instructional video for making deposits:
Or, follow these written instructions:
- Log in to Online Banking (don’t have Online Banking? Enroll today)
- Tap Business AnytimeDeposit under the Menu
- Enter the information required
- Scan your checks
- Verify the deposit amounts and make any corrections
- Tap Submit to transmit your deposits
View/download the User Guide | Scanner Set-up Guide
Note: The following items are not eligible for AnytimeDeposit for Business:
- Checks payable to any person or entity other than you (third party)
- Post-dated checks
- Stale-dated checks (older than six months)
- Checks containing an obvious alteration to any field