Financial Literacy Activities
Financial Literacy Activities
Be an Entrepreneur
Help Brother and Sister earn money as entrepreneurs. Also in Spanish!

Needs & Wants
Help Brother and Sister decide which items are needs and which are wants. Also in Spanish!

Scavenger Hunt
Help Brother and Sister Bear find loose change. Also in Spanish!

What is Your Name Worth?
Add points for each letter to find out its worth!

Sharing with Others
How do you share with family members? Also in Spanish!

Trouble with Money Word Search
Match the amounts in column one with the amounts in column two.

Spending and Budgeting New!
Help Brother and Sister Bear create a budget. Also in Spanish!

Make Your Own Puzzle New!
Cut along the lines to create a puzzle. Can you put it back together again?

Counting New!
Help Brother and Sister Bear count the money they have saved.

Coin Caterpillar New!
Count the coins to see how much this caterpillar is worth.

Buying Toys with Coins New!
Circle the coins it will take to buy each item.

Spend Making Change New!
Help Brother and Sister Bear spend some of the money they have earned.

Take The Challenge New!
See if you can follow these steps to save, share, spend and earn!

Name That Price
Middle School+
Guess the average cost in Pennsylvania for these items. Also in Spanish!

Read an Earning Statement
Middle School+
Learn how to read an earning statement (also called a “paystub”).

Shopping List
Middle School+
Make a list of all foods you eat during the week. Also in Spanish!

Practicing Mindfulness in Quarantine
Middle School+
Take time for yourself and bring
your attention to the present.