Email Address Spoofed in Xfinity Emails (Imposter)

May 24, 2024

FMFCU has been notified that some members are receiving emails from Xfinity with FMFCU’s email address as the sender. The email is asking to update payment information. DO NOT click on the link. It is fraudulent!   Remember, if you ever have any doubt the email is invalid, log in directly to the retailer’s web […]

What is Vishing and How to Detect it

February 5, 2024

“Vishing” or voice-phishing, is a type of cybersecurity attack in which the perpetrator attempts to gain access to sensitive data over the phone. Scammers typically seek financial details or Social Security numbers, but passwords and other data can also be the goal. Two common examples of vishing scams include pretend calls from a bank or […]

Beware of Facebook Marketplace Scammers

March 10, 2023

Facebook Marketplace is an easy, common and convenient way to sell items. However, unfortunately, it is also a common way scammers are using social media to take your money. Recently, scammers have been using P2P Platforms, such as Zelle® to trick buyers into upgrading to a “business account” and sending more money than the item […]

SMiShing Attacks

August 31, 2022

Most people are aware of phishing – or email scams – but they may not realize scammers can also target them with deceptive text messages sent to their smart devices. The term,”smishing” is a mashup of SMS, which stands for “short message service.” A smishing scam message may seem like it’s coming from the credit […]

What is Phishing?

July 19, 2022

Phishing is a type of online scam that targets consumers by sending an email or text message that appears to be legitimate from a well-known source. By appearing to be legitimate, the consumer ends up providing their personal information which then gains the scammer access to their email, bank, or other accounts. Scammers launch thousands […]

Be aware of fake emails regarding stolen personal data

April 6, 2021

Ransom Gangs Emailing Victim Customers for Leverage* – Some of the top ransomware gangs are deploying a new pressure tactic to push more victim organizations into paying an extortion demand: Emailing the victim’s customers and partners directly, warning that their data will be leaked to the dark web unless they can convince the victim firm […]

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