FBI Warns Criminal Use of Generative AI for Financial Fraud

December 6, 2024

The FBI is warning the public that criminals exploit generative artificial intelligence (AI) to commit fraud on a larger scale which increases the believability of their schemes. Generative AI reduces the time and effort criminals must expend to deceive their targets. Generative AI takes what it has learned from examples input by a user and […]

Understanding Social Engineering: A Key to Cybersecurity Awareness

October 17, 2024

Social engineering is a commonly overlooked threat to cybersecurity. Tactics are used to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions that compromise security.  Through this, attackers can gain unauthorized access to sensitive data and systems. Social engineering encompasses various tactics. These methods often rely on deception, urgency, or fear to prompt individuals to […]

Avoid the Rising QR Code “Quishing” Scam

March 27, 2024

QR codes have become more popular because of their convenience. However, they are just as convenient for scammers. “Quishing” or QR Phishing is a new form of phishing that uses QR Codes to lure people to websites that can steal personal information.   How the Scam Works: Scammer creates fake QR codes Once scanned, takes […]

What is Vishing and How to Detect it

February 5, 2024

“Vishing” or voice-phishing, is a type of cybersecurity attack in which the perpetrator attempts to gain access to sensitive data over the phone. Scammers typically seek financial details or Social Security numbers, but passwords and other data can also be the goal. Two common examples of vishing scams include pretend calls from a bank or […]

Four Steps to Staying Cyber Safe

October 13, 2023

With October being National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we want to ensure all members are educated on how to stay cyber safe. Follow these four steps to keep your identity and financial accounts protected at all times: Use Strong Passwords that are long, unique and randomly generated. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Implementing MFA on accounts makes it […]

Stay Alert for AI-Generated Phishing Scams

May 4, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology continues to evolve, enhance and become more powerful. While AI can be very beneficial, it can be just as harmful. In fact, AI has now become a powerful tool for generating phishing emails- specifically AI chatbot tools such as ChatGPT.* Scammers have been taking advantage of this tool because it makes […]

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