The FBI is warning the public that criminals exploit generative artificial intelligence (AI) to commit fraud on a larger scale which increases the believability of their schemes. Generative AI reduces the time and effort criminals must expend to deceive their targets. Generative AI takes what it has learned from examples input by a user and synthesizes something entirely new based on that information. These tools assist with content creation and can correct for human errors that might otherwise serve as warning signs of fraud. The creation or distribution of synthetic content is not inherently illegal; however, synthetic content can be used to facilitate crimes, such as fraud and extortion.
Since it can be difficult to identify when content is AI-generated, the FBI has provided the following examples of how criminals may use generative AI in their fraud schemes to increase public recognition and scrutiny.
AI-Generated Text
Criminals use AI-generated text to appear believable to a reader in furtherance of social engineering, spear phishing and financial fraud schemes.
AI-Generated Images
Criminals use Ai-generated images to creative believable social media profile photos, identification documents and other images in support of their fraud schemes.
AI-Generated Audio (Vocal Cloning)
Criminals use Ai-generated audio to impersonate well-known, public figures or personal relations to elicit payments.
AI-Generated Videos
Criminals use Ai-generated videos to create believable depictures of public figures to bolster fraud schemes.
Tips to protect yourself
- Create a secret word or phrase with your family to verify their identity
- Look for subtle imperfections in images and videos
- Listen closely to the tone and word choice to distinguish between a legitimate phone call and vocal cloning
- If possible, limit online content of your image or voice, make social media accounts private, and limit followers to people you know
- Verify the identity of the person calling by hanging up the phone, researching the contact of organization and calling the number directly
- Never share sensitive information with anyone you have met only online or over the phone
- Do not send money, gift cards, cryptocurrency to people you do not know or have only met online and over the phone