Make a Funds Transfer in Digital Banking
To get started, in the Transactions tab under the Menu, tap on Funds Transfer.
- Select the accounts that you wish to transfer funds “From” and “To” using the drop-down menus
- Enter the dollar Amount and Date to process the transaction.
- If you wish to set up a recurring transaction, click the check box “Make this a recurring transaction.” New input fields will appear, and you will need to specify the Frequency and Date range for this transaction. You can choose to make this transaction Repeat Forever by checking the box under Frequency.
- When you have finished entering all of the needed information, select Transfer Funds.
- If successful, a screen with an overview of your transaction appears. All single and recurring transactions appear in Online Activities, whether dated immediately or for the future. You can view them at this time, or you can click Close and review them at your convenience.